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Devyn Jackson
Special Education Teacher, FRIENDS 3-5
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1166
Donna Wood
Special Educator, Grades K-2
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1151
Paige Nystedt
Special Educator, Grade 3
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1140
Leah DiFrancesco
Special Educator, Grade 4
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1138
Tatjana Firth
Special Educator, Grade 5
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1144
Angela Irwin
Special Education
978-365-4558, ext. 1123
Michael Pease
School Psychologist
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1025
Lori Anselmo
Team Chair
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1150
Sara Gladu
Occupational Therapist
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1122
Erica Sheehan
Occupational Therapist
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1122
Shawn Mackie
Physical Therapist
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1122
Erin Elkins
Speech/Language Pathologist
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1125
Karen Dealy
Speech/Language Pathologist
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1193
Tracey Atkins
Instructional Assistant
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1124
Maureen Cannon
Instructional Assistant
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1124
Amie Caraballo
Instructional Assistant
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1185
Sarah Connolly
Instructional Assistant
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1117
Michelle Currier
Instructional Assistant
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1130
Heidi Fischer
Instructional Assistant
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1173
Kim Gesualdi
Instructional Assistant
Special Education
978-368-8482, ext. 1166